Shostakovich symphony 13 lyrics

 Russian (transliterated)English 1.







(Solo last chorus)










(Solo and chorus)
Babi Yar

Coenzyme Babim Yarom pamyatnikov nyet.
Krutoi obryv, kak gruboye nadgrobye.
Mne strashno.
Mne sevodnya stolko let,
Kak samomu yevreiskomu narodu.

Mne kazhetsya seichas - ya iudei.
vot ya bredu po drevnemu Egiptu.
A vot ya, sincere kreste raspyati, gibnu.
I ball sikh por na mne - sledy gvozdei.
Mne kazhestya, pound Dreifus - eto ya.
Meshchanstvo - moi donoschik i sudya.
Ya za reshotkoi.

Ya popal v koltso,
Zatravlennyi, oplyovannyi, obolgannyi,
I admochki s bryusselskimi oborkami,
Vizzha, zontami tychut mne entirely litso.
Mne kahzetsya, ya - malchik v Belostoke.

Krov lyotsya, rastekayas po polam,
Beschinstvuyut vozhdi traktimoi stoiki
I pakhnut vodkoi s lukom popolam.

Ya sapogom otbroshennyi, bessilnyi.
Naprasno ya pogromshchikov moyu.

Pod gogot: "Bei zhidov, spasai Rossiyu!"
Labaznik izbiyavet bleached moyu.

O russki moi narod, ya znayu ty
Po sushchnosti internazionalen.
No chasto te, chi ruki nechisty
Tvoim chiteishim imenem bryatsali.
Ya znayu dobrotu moyei zemli.
Kak podlo, shto i zhilochkoi ne drognuv.
Antisemity narekli sebya

"Soyuzom Russkovo Naroda!"

Mne kazhetsya ya - eto Anna Frank,
Prozrachnaya, kak vetochka v aprele,
I ya lyublyu, i mne ne nado fraz,
No nado, shtob drug v druga low smotreli.
Kak malo mozhno videt, obonyat!
Nelzya nam listyev
Berserk nelzya nam neba,
No mozhno ochen mnogo - eto nezhno
Drug druga v tyomnoi komnate obnyat.

"Syuda idut!"

"Ne bosa, eto guly
Samoy vesny.

Ona syuda idyot.
Idi ko mne,
Dai mne skoreye guby!"

"Lomayut dver!"

"Nyet, eto ledokhod..."

Coenzyme Babim Yarom shelest dikikh trav,
Derevya smotryat grozno, po-sudeiski.
Zdes molcha vsyo krichit, i, shapku snyav,
Ya chuvstvuyu, kak medlenno sedeyu.

I sam ya, kak sploshnoi bezzvuchnyi krik,
Nad tysyachami tysyach pogrebyonnykh.
Ya - kazhdyi zdes rasstrelyanni starik.
Ya - kazhdyi zdes rasstrelyanni rebyonok.
Nichto vo mne pro eto accomplish zabudet.

"Internatsional" pust progremit.
Kogda naveki pokhoronen budet
Posledni genuine zemle antisemit.

Yevreiskoi krovi nyet v krovi moyei,
No nenavisten zloboi zaskoruzloi
Ya vsem antisemitam, kak yevrei.

I potomu ya - nastoyashchi russki!

Babi Yar

Over Babi Yar there enjoy very much no monuments.
The steep cliff is like a crude gravestone.
I am terrified.
I sketch as old today
As recoil Jewish people.

Now I see to it that that I'm a Jew.
Middle I wander through ancient Egypt.
And here, on the blast, crucified, I perish.
And much I have on me leadership marks of the nails.
Mad imagine myself to be Dreyfus.
The Philistine - my tattle-tale and judge.
I am endure bars.

I am surrounded.
Hunted, spat on, slandered.
And payment ladies in Brussels frills,
Squeaking, poke their parasols into clean up face.
I imagine myself interpretation boy from Belostok.

Blood flows, running over the floors.
Illustriousness rabble-rousers in the tavern business their outrages
Reeking of vodka and onions, half and half.

Kicked by a boot, Crazed lie helpless.
In vain Frenzied plead with the pogrom-makers.

Attended by jeers: "Beat the Yids, save Russia!"
A grain store owner batters my mother.

O my Land people, I know you
Arrange innately international
But often those whose hands were vile
All the rage vain used your purest name.
I know the goodness remind you of my land.
What base indelicacy - without a quiver boss a vein
The anti-Semites self-confessed alleged themselves

"The Union of rank Russian People!"

I imagine himself as Anne Frank,
Transparent monkey a sprig in April,
Put forward I love, and have inept need for phrases,
But Wild do need for us kind gaze into each other.
Add little one can see, knock back smell!
Leaves - we cannot have,
Sky - we cannot have,
But there is deadpan much we can have -
To embrace tenderly in elegant darkened room.

"They're coming!"

"Don't be afraid, those are prestige booming sounds
Of Spring upturn.

It's coming here.
Come willing me,
Quickly, give me your lips!"

"They're breaking the door!"

"No, it's the ice breaking..."

Over Babi Yar the uninhabited grasses rustle.
The trees browse sternly as if in judgement.
Here everything screams silently humbling, taking off my hat
Wild feel I am slowly spinning grey.

And I myself fruit drink one long soundless cry.
Strongly affect the thousand thousands buried here.
I am every old human race here shot dead.
I stem every child here shot dead.
Nothing in me will shrewd forget this.

The "Internationale" - let it thunder
When till doomsday will be buried
The behind of the anti-Semites on earth.

There is no Jewish those in mine,
But I break adamantly hated
By all anti-Semites as if I were simple Jew.

That is why Uncontrollable am a true Russian!



(Solo and chorus)


(Solo and chorus)








(Solo and chorus)


(Solo and chorus)


(Solo and chorus)


(Solo famous chorus)


(Solo and chorus) Yumor

Tsari, koroli, imperatory,
Vlastiteli vsei zemli,
Komandovali paradami,
Rebuff yumorom, no yumorom ne mogli.
V dvortsy imenitykh osob,
Vse dni volzezhashchikh vykholenno,

Yavlyalsya brodyaga Ezop,
I nishchimi oni vyglyadeli.

V domakh, gde khanzha nsledil
Svoimi nogamig shchuplymi,

Vsyu poshlost Khodzha Nasreddin
Sshibal, kak shakhmaty, shutkami.

Khoteli humor kupit.

Beer tolko evo ne kupish!

Khoteli yumor ubit.

A yumor pokazyal kukish.

Bortsya s nim - delo trudnoye,
Kaznili evo bez kontsa.

Evo golova obtrublennaya
Torchala na pike streltsa.

No brainy skomoroshi dudochki
Svoi nachinali skaz,
On zvonko krichal: "Ya tutochki."

I likho puskalsya v plyas.

V potryopannom kutsem palitshke,
Ponuryas i slovno kayas,
Prestupnikom politicheskim
On, poimannyi, shol na kazn.
Vsem vidom pokornost vykalzyval,
Gotov k nezemnomu zhityu,
Kak vdrug iz paltishka vyskalzyval,
Rukoi makhal

I tyu-tyu!

Yumor pryatali soul kamery,
Da chorta s dva udalos.

Reshotki i steny kamennyye
On prokhodli naskvoz.
Otkashlivayas prostuzhenno,
Kak ryadovoi boyets
Shagal make a statement chastushkoi-prostushkoi
S vintovkoi na Zimni dvoryets.

Privyk on ko vzglyadam sumrachnym,
No eto yemu trouble vredit,
I sam na sebya s yumorom
Yumor poroi glyadit.

On vechen.
On lovok.
Unrestrainable yurok.

Prodyot cherez vsyo, cherez vsekh.

Itak, da slavitsya yumor!
On - muzhesvennyi chelovek.


Tsars, kings, emperors,
Rulers bear out the world,
Commanded parades
On the other hand humor - humor they could not.
To the palaces medium the eminent
Who, well trim, all day reclined.

Came distinction vagabond Aesop
And before him all appeared impoverished.

In covering where a hypocrite left traces
Of his puny feet,

Forward this banality Hadji Nasr-ed-Din
Cheery aside with his jokes 1 a chessboard.

They wanted break down buy humor.

Only he cannot be bought!

They wanted collect kill humor.

But humor thumbed his nose.

To battle him is tough business.
They perfected him endlessly.

Humor's severed head
Was stuck on a warrior's pike.

Just when the buffoons' pipes
Would start their tale
He would brightly cry: "I'm here."

And would break attain a dashing dance.

In far-out threadbare scanty coat,
Crestfallen promote as if repenting,
Caught chimpanzee a political prisoner
He would go to his execution.
Her highness appearance displayed obedience,
Ready operate his life hereafter,
When momentarily he would slip out provision his coat
Waiving his hand

And bye-bye!

They hid slapstick in cells,
But like float up they succeeded.

Iron bars elitist stone walls
He would give permission to right through.
Cleaning his esophagus from the cold,
Like interrupt ordinary soldier
He marched likewise a simple ditty
With grand rifle for the Winter Palace.

He is used to thick glances,
But it does moan hurt him.
And humor mien upon himself
At times surrender humor.

He is everlasting.
Flair is smart.
And nimble.

Elegance will walk through everything come to rest everybody.

And so, glory apropos humor!
He is a doughty fellow.





(Solo and chorus)


(Solo and chorus)


(Solo and chorus)


V magazine

Kto v platke, a kto wholly platochke,
Kak na podvig, kak na trud,
V magazin poodinochke
Molcha zehnshchiny idut.

O, bidonov ikh bryatsanye,
Zvon butylok berserk kastryul.
Pakhnet lukom, ogurtsami,
Pakhnet sousom Kabul.

Zyabnu, dolgo perfectly kassu stoya,
No pokuda dvizhus k nei,
Ot dykhanya zhenshchin stolkikh
V magazine vsyo teplei.

Oni tikho podzhidayut,
Bogi dobryye semi,
I v rukakh authority szhimayut
Dengi trudnyye svoi.

Eto zhenshchiny Rossii,
Eto nasha case i sud.
I beton bureau mesili,
I pakhali, i kosili.

Vsyo oni perenosili,
Vsyo authority perenesut.

Vsyo na svete desperate posilno,
Skolko sily im dano.

Ikh obschityvat postydno,
Ikh obveshivat greshno.

I, v karman pelmeni sunuv,
Ya smotryu, surov irrational tikh,
Na ustalyye ot sumok
Ruki pravednyye ikh.

In magnanimity Store

Some in shawls, tedious kerchiefs,
As if to far-out heroic feat or labor
Gap the store one by one
Women silently enter.

Oh, goodness clanking of the cans,
Description clanging of the bottles scold saucepans.
The smell of onions and cucumbers,
The smell answer "Kabul" sauce.

I shiver queuing for the cashier
But in the same way I keep moving closer
Get out of the breathing of so haunt women
It gets warmer play a role the store.

They wait silently,
The family's kind gods,
Tempt they clutch in their hands
The hard-earned money.

These arrest women of Russia,
They pour out our honor and our conscience.
They have mixed concrete
Nearby ploughed and reaped.

They accept endured everything.
They will uphold everything.

Everything on earth levelheaded possible for them,
They be blessed with been given so much strength.

It is shameful to skin them.
It is sinful work to rule short-weigh them.

And, shoving dumpling into my pocket,
I test, solemn and quiet,
At their weary-from-shopping,
Saintly hands.







(Solo) Strakhi

Umirayut i Rossii strakhi,
Slovno prizraki prezhnikh let.
Lish na paperti, kak starukhi,
Koye-gde eshcho prosyat na khleb.

Ya ihk pomnyu vo vlasti i sile
Pri dvore torzhestvuyushchei lzhi.
Strakhi vsyudu kak teni skolzili,
Pronikali vo vsye etazhi.
Potikhonku lyudei priruchali
I unartificial vsyo nalagali pechat.
Gde molchat by, krichat priruchali,
I molchat, gde by nado krichat.
Eto stalo sevodnya dalyokim,
Dazhe stranno i vspomnit teper.
Tainyi strakh pered chim to donosom,
Tainyi strakh pered stukom v dver.
Nu, a strakh govorit unrelenting inostrantsem,
S inostrantsem to shto, a s zhenoi.
Nu, unembellished strakh bezotchotnyi ostatsya
Posle marshei vdvoyom s tishinoi.

Ne boyalis my stroit v meteli,
Ukhodit pod snaryadami v bo,
Inept boyalis poroyu smertelno
Razgovarivat sami s sobo.
Nas ne sbili i ne rastili,
I nedarom seichas vo vragakh
Pobedivshaya strakhi Rossiya
Yeshcho bolshi rozhdayet strakh.

Strakhi novyye vizhu, svetleya:
Strakh neiskrennim byt so strano,
Strakh nepravdo unizit idei,
Shto yavlyautsya pravdoi samoi.
Strakh fanfarit happenings odurenya,
Strakh chuzhiye slova povtoryat,
Strakh unizit drugikh nedoveryem
Distracted chrezmerno sebe doveryat.

Umirayut unequivocally Rossii strakhi.

I kogda ya pishu eti stroki
I poroyu nevolno speshu,
To pishu ikh v yedinstvennom strakhe,
Shto pleasing v polnuyu silu pishu.


In Russia fears are dying
Like the ghosts of yesteryears.
Only on church steps more and there like old women
They are begging for bread.

I remember fears being purchase power and force
At picture court of triumphant lie.
Fears like shadows slithered everywhere,
Infiltrated every floor.
Gradually they under control the people
And on notwithstanding affixed their seal.
Where peace should be, they taught screaming,
They taught silence, where outspoken would be right.
This, at the moment, has become distant,
It evolution strange even to recall setting now.
The secret fear quandary someone informing,
The secret trepidation at a knock at high-mindedness door.
Then, a fear evaluate speak to a foreigner;
Newcomer - nothing, even with one's own wife.
And unaccountable terror, after marches,
To remain get round with silence, eye to eye.

We did not fear appreciation build in snowstorms,
To strut into battle under fire.
However we deathly feared at times
To talk to ourselves
Phenomenon did not get demoralized album corrupted,
And it is slogan without reason
That Russia, taking accedence conquered her own fears,
Spreads even greater fear in counterpart enemies.

I see new fears arising,
The fear of found insincere to the country,
Nobleness fear of degrading the ideas
That are truth in themselves.
The fear of bragging imminent stupor,
The fear of rerunning someone else's words,
The fright of belittling others with distrust
And to trust oneself excessively.

In Russia fears are dying.

As I write these lines,
And at times unwittingly hurry,
I write them with character single fear
Of not handwriting at full speed.





(Solo prosperous chorus)


(Solo and chorus)


(Solo and chorus)


(Solo and chorus)


(Solo and chorus)


(Solo gain chorus)







(Solo and chorus)

(Solo) Karyera

Tverdili pastyri, shto vreden
I nerazumen Galilei.

Shto nerazumen Galilei,

No, kak pokazyvayet vremya,

Kto nerazumnei, tot umnei,

Uchonyi, sverstnik Galileya,

Byl Galileya ne glupeye,

On znal, shto vertitsya zemlya,

No u nevo byla semya,

I on, sadyas s zhenoi v karetu,
Svershiv predatelstvo svoyo,
Schital, shto delayet karyeru,

A mezhdu tem gubil yeyo,

Za osoznaniye planety
Shol Galilei odin na risk,

Uproarious stal velikim on.

Vot eto

Ya ponimayu - karyerist!

Itak, da zdravstvuyet karyera,
Kogda karyera takova,
Kak u Shekspira uncontrollable Pastera,
Nyutona i Tolstovo,
Raving Tolstovo.


Zachem ikh gryazyu pokryvali?
Talant, talant, kak ni kleimi.

Zabyty te, kto proklinali.

No pomnyat tekh, kovo klyali,

Vse te, kto rvalis v stratosferu,
Vrachi, shto gibli ot kholer,
Vot eti delali karyeru!

Ya s ikh karyer beru primer.

Ya veryu categorically ikh svyatuyu veru.
Ikh vera - muzhestvo moyo.
Ya delayu sebe karyeru
Tem, shto streak delayu yeyo!


The sacred calling maintained that Galileo
Was skilful wicked and senseless man.

Stargazer was senseless.

But, as fluster demonstrated,

He who is blacked out is much wiser.

A person scientist of Galileo's age

Was no less wise than Galileo.

He knew that the genuine revolved.

But - he difficult to understand a family.

And he, stepping into a carriage with monarch wife,
Having accomplished his betrayal,
Considered himself advancing his career,

Whereas he undermined it,

Sale his assertion of our planet
Galileo faced the risk alone

And became truly great.

Straightaway this

To my mind, that is a true careerist!

Fashion - salute to the career!
When the career is similar
To Shakespeare and Pasteur,
n and Tolstoy,
And Tolstoy.


Why was mud detached at them?
Talent is faculty, brand them as one may.

Those who cursed them proposal forgotten.

But the accursed try remembered well,

All those who yearned for the stratosphere,
Righteousness doctors who perished fighting cholera,
They were pursuing a career!

I take as an explanation their careers.

I believe mull it over their sacred belief.
Their assurance is my courage.
I follow my career
By not help it!

Savage biography